
Kids For Christ

Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” At Calvary Baptist Church, we believe that it is vital to train children in the ways of the Lord. Kids for Christ ministries exist to serve this vital need.

We currently have Children’s Sunday School at 9:30 every Sunday morning. We hopefully and prayerfully look to begin several children’s ministries in the near future. This is what we would like to do:


At Calvary Baptist Church, we are committed to providing a loving and caring nursery for each child that God gives us.  Our care givers are hand selected to ensure quality care for our babies.  Our nursery is limited to those children age 3 and below. We work hard to provide for their needs while they are entrusted to our care.  

Children’s Sunday School

Our Children’s Sunday school exists to train and disciple children. This class is for ages 4 to 12.

Junior Church

Junior Church meets during the Sunday Morning Worship and is designed to teach children spiritual truth on their level. Our Junior Church program utilizes a through the Bible approach and over a 3 year period will cover major Bible stories and events from Genesis through Revelation. It is for ages 4 – 12. We hope to begin this ministry soon.

If you have any questions regarding Kids for Christ ministries, please contact us.