Calvary Baptist Church believes that the primary mission of the church is to glorify God. This is done through an active soul – winning and tract outreach program. Many have claimed that the usefulness of tracts is over; however, we have seen great results by being faithful to distribute God’s Word to those around us.
Tract Outreach
We meet on Saturday at 10:00AM at Pastor’s house (475461 County Rd 11) to distribute tracts around our community. In addition, there is a team that goes out on either Monday or Tuesday evenings. Contact Pastor Elliott for more information.
Soul – Winning
As important as it is to distribute tracts, tract distribution does not take the place of one on one personal evangelism. Calvary Baptist Church utilizes a soul – winning method called Soul Winner’s Academy. This program is designed to teach everyone how to effectively share their faith with those around them. It utilizes a low confrontational approach offering a series of Bible studies. These studies are designed to take a person from no knowledge of the Bible to a saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
For more information on our tract distribution and Soul – Winning ministry, please contact us.