Ephesians 5:23 gives us the structure of church leadership. It says, “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.”
Ultimately, Jesus Christ is the head of any Independent Baptist Church. We have no denominational structure and are under the headship and authority of Jesus Christ.
Understanding that God is the ultimate head of the church, Calvary Baptist Church does have human leadership.
Pastor Daniel Elliott

Brother Daniel Elliott grew up in a Christian home. He was saved when he was five years old and surrendered to full-time missions work at the age of 8. Since that time, his life as been one of preparation to answer the burden that God had given me. He entered Baptist Bible College (Springfield, Missouri) in the fall of 1992 in the missions program, graduating in the Spring of 1996. In 1997 God brought Lydia Baker into his life. They were married in August 1998. Lydia is a MK (missionary’s kid).
She grew up in England ministering with her parents, Dwane and Janice Baker. Grandpa Baker passed away in January 2010 and Mom is currently serving with the Baptist Bible Fellowship on the field of Haiti. Lydia was saved when she was five years old and surrendered to full – time missions work when she was ten. In November of 1998, Brother Elliott became the Associate Pastor at Brooking Heights Baptist Church in Raytown, Missouri, under Pastor Stephen Jones. God used this time mightily in their lives, but He never took away the call to full-time missions work. Also during this time, God also blessed them with their first child, Eliza in January of 2002. Esther Pearl, their second, was born on October 13, 2003. Elijah Andrew was born on October 26, 2005. Brother Elliott resigned from Brooking Heights Baptist Church in January of 2004 to begin deputation. After about 2 1/2 years on deputation, they moved to Mongolia in September 2006. Ethan Peter was born on February 15, 2008. After a short battle with cancer, Esther passed away on April 2nd, 2010. In February 2012, God directed them to change fields and they moved to Chuncheon, South Korea. After moving to Korea, they began language studies. In early 2013, the Nathan Kowach family moved to Chuncheon to start Chuncheon Lighthouse Baptist Church. At that time, they began working together to start Chuncheon Lighthouse Baptist Church. While they were serving in Chuncheon, God blessed them with two more boys: Evan (March 8th, 2013) and Ezra (November 12, 2014). During the summer of 2015, God opened the door for them to move to Incheon. After spending a great time in prayer and fasting, they decided to move to Incheon, South Korea, moving in November 2015. Pastor Elliott immediately began working with Incheon International Baptist Church, started by Brother Michael Genger. In October of 2017, Brother Elliott was able to transition that work to Korean leadership making it a truly indigenous work. After leaving Incheon International Baptist Church, Brother Elliott began working with Pastor Robert Oetman and Pastor Kim at Yongsan Baptist Church in center Seoul. In May of 2021, the Elliotts surrendered to God’s call to move to Canada and soon thereafter accepted the call to pastor Calvary Baptist Church.
You can contact Pastor Elliott through the church. Contact information is listed here.